Poon Hill Trek Nepal

For many hikers, the Poon Hill trek in Nepal's Annapurna Region is their ideal journey. Not only does it provide a taste of Himalayan magic without requiring much skill, but it is also renowned for its stunning sunrise views across the Annapurna mountain range.

Exploring the Poon Hill Viewpoint in 2024 and 2025

The Poon Hill trek, which is frequently coupled with Ghorepani, requires 4 days to complete, while it can be completed in two to three days without Ghandruk village or an extended trip to Tadapani and Ghandruk village. The clearly designated trekking path passes through quaint towns and rhododendron woods in the spring and provides views of towering peaks like Machhapuchhre, Dhaulagiri, and Annapurna. One of the most picturesque mountain villages in the world with respect to its historical inhabitants, way of life, and culture is Ghandruk.

ghorepani poon hill trekking routes

Scheduling Your Ghorepani Poon Hill Expedition

To walk Poon Hill, one must have an Annapurna Conservation permit. Guesthouses normally charge between $55 and $80 USD per day for comfortable lodging, three meals a day, a guide, trek permits, ground transportation, etc. The finest months to walk (poon hill trek best season) are April–May and September–December; December may call for extra equipment.

Challenge and Reward

[how hard is the hill trek ?] Although Poon Hill is rated as an easy to moderate climb, the height (3210 metres at its highest point) means that a reasonable level of fitness is required. The prize? At Poon Hill, you may see expansive views of the Himalayas bathed in the golden light of dawn.

Are you up for the Poon Hill Sunrise Trek?

We provide 2- to 5-day packages for the Poon Hill Trek in Nepal. In the heart of the Himalayas, Poon Hill provides an amazing experience for both seasoned trekkers and inquisitive beginners. Follow the link below to find the perfect holidays for you.